Record-High Gun Control Support After Florida Rampage, Quinnipiac Poll Says

In the wake of the mass shooting in Florida last week,  a new national poll shows that Americans are ready for tougher gun laws and are fed up with the lack of support from lawmakers.

A new poll shows Americans are sick of gun violence and want something done.

A new poll shows Americans are sick of gun violence and want something done.

Photo Credit: Clarkstown Police Department

In the new independent Quinnipiac University poll released on Tuesday, American voters support stricter gun laws 66  to 31 percent, the highest level of support ever measured, the pollsters found.

Today's result is up from a negative 47 to 50 percent measure of support in a December 23, 2015, survey by the University.

"If you think Americans are largely unmoved by the mass shootings, you should think again. Support for stricter gun laws is up 19 points in little more than 2 years," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

The poll found a 50 to 44 percent support among gun owners and 62 to 35 percent support from white voters with no college degree and 58 to 38 percent support among white men.

Support was also up for universal background checks with a 97 to 2 percent in favor, including 97 to 3 percent among gun owners. 

Support for gun control on other questions is at its highest level since the Quinnipiac University Poll began focusing on this issue in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre: 67 to 29 percent for a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons and 83 to14 percent for a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases.

American voters also said 67 to 3 percent that it was too easy to purchase a gun and 75 to 17 percent that Congress needs to do more to reduce gun violence.

"In the last two months, some of the biggest surges in support for tightening gun laws come from demographic groups you may not expect, independent voters, men, and whites with no college degree," added Malloy.

Mass killings by U.S. citizens is a bigger problem than mass killings by people from other countries, American voters said 70 to 20 percent. 

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